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0989 22 46 56
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I. Design Process

– ConsultionThe discussion would agree on the style, material requirements based on client's budget and the cost

– Survey: The purpose is to capture the properties or technical parameters…

– Contract: The contract stipulates the cost, the item, the style, theschedule and payment and incentives for customers.

– Preliminary interior design: The design ensures the correct proportions accordance with the current structure

– 3D: Design based on the style and use of materials with thecustomer’s ideas

– Presentation: Depict the plan in detail and make adjustments if necessary.

– Construction technical documents: Prepare documents as required such as drawings of ceiling tiles, furniture…

 A document of design workMake an estimate for the work and disassemble the volume, quote by each item.

II. Construction process
- Sign contract: The contract details the work, quotes each item, responsibilities of the parties, appendices...
- Prepare necessary materials: Ensure adequate supply of materials for the project.
- Provide transportation services: Ensure materials are transported on time.
- Apply for permission to build or focus on the deposit with the project management board (if necessary).
- Interior construction: Fully comply with the construction implementation steps. 
III. Construction warranty
The work will be warranted according to the policy and contract signed between the two parties.